Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our Updated Plans for the Reunion June 11th -13th

Hi everyone,

As we get closer to our 30th Cornell Reunion I wanted to let you know what we have planned for the June 10th- 13th weekend.

Friday June 11th

1:00 – 5:00 Reception at 440 Kennedy Hall, followed by an evening gathering.

Saturday June 12th

10:30 Brunch at Peter Trowbridge’s home and garden located at 1345 Meckenburg Rd. Ithaca. It will be great to see what he has done with his garden over the last 30 years ago!

2:00 – 5:00

Hike to Buttermilk Falls, Ithaca. It will be great to see the gorges and waterfalls of the Ithaca area. George Frantz will lead the walk and talk about talk about the genesis of the park other interesting land use planning, archaeology park development and open space preservation stuff that has happened in the Inlet Valley south of Ithaca over the past twenty years.


Chorus performance at Bailey Hall an (additional charge of $10.00 for tickets). Kirby Date will be performing with the chorus!

Sunday June 13th

Morning coffee and bagels.

We have decided to go the non reunion year plan. This means you just show up and ask for a room. Non-Reunion Year group will be housed in Lowrise 6 on North Campus. Housing rates are $52 per adult per night or $123.50 for all 3 nights (Thu., Fri., and Sat.). Then you can purchase a reunion button for access to the tents and transportation. This seems the simplest plan since we have our own activities planned

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Plans for our Hike and Picnic

I can reserve the pavilion at Tutelo Park for Saturday afternoon. We could meet there about 2 PM and I could talk about the genesis of the park other interesting land use planning, archaeology park development and lopen space preservation stuff that has happened in the Inlet Valley south of Ithaca over the past twenty years.
Given the time constraints we should carpool over to a parking lot off Rout 13 and hike about 1/2 mile through the Flemming Meadows section of Buttermilk Falls S.P. to the gorge itself.
Ithaca Beer Co. does offer beer tasting session, and a tour that would take about an hour. I'm not sure we would have time but instead we might buy some mixed six-packs and have an informal beer tasting back at Tutelo Park along with a light supper there. They make both beer and soda, for those who may not drink alcohol.
Best regards.

Update from George

Thanks for your note.
My summer schedule has taken a pretty dramatic turn in that I won't be traveling to Shanghai in June, but in August instead. So I do plan on attending the Reunion after all.
I am really excited about reuniting with everybody again. I'm still hoping to dig around for a couple of old photos that I know exist in some old box to share as well.
The Tutelo Park is only about a mile from Buttermilk Falls S.P. so a picnic at the park and walk at BFSP would be very easy to do. Parking at Tutelo is free so we could park there and carpool to BFSP.
It also happens that the Ithaca Beer Company Brewery and tasting room is hallfway between the two parks!
This week I am immersed in end-of-semester grading and completing a major report before heading off Saturday to southeastern KY with some Cornell undergrads on an 8-day service worktrip. I will be back in town May 30th and can help with any local arrangements if you like.
Best regards.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Katy Weidel has been FOUND!

Carol Greetings:

How wonderful to receive your card. It really brought back many fond memories looking at all the old (very young) faces. I identified a few – hopefully correctly. I would LOVE to attend the reunion but unfortunately we are having a graduation party for my son that weekend. What’s so interesting is we were @ Amherst just last month attending a Williams vs. Amherst lacrosse game.

Please keep me posted as to the activities – maybe I can take a ride up on Sunday June 13th. Here’s my contact information:

Katy Weidel


New Jersey Meadowlands Commission

1 DeKorte Park Plaza

Lyndhurst NJ 07071

201 460-4667

Love to stay connected.

